Friday, November 19, 2010

New army list

Okay so after long considerations I changed my army list to a CC-genestealer army. Ninja-ish.
And guess what? I am only missing a box of genestealers to have the 1750 point army complete! And

HQ: Hive Tyrant with Lash Whip & Bonesword, Devourers, Old Adversary, maybe Hive Commander, Armored Shell and Regeneration.
Troops: 8-9 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs
Troops: 8-9 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs
Troops: 9 Genestealers with/without a Broodlord (all with Toxin Sacs)
Troops: 9 Ripper Swarms with Tunnel Swarm, Toxin Sacs and Spinefists
Elite: 3 Venomthropes
Elite: 3 Lictors
Elite: 6 Ymgarl Genestealers
Heavy Support: Trygon Prime with Regeneration
I might upgrade the Army by putting in ~250 points worth of Warrior with Lash Whips, Boneswords, Scything Talons and Toxin Sacs and have them outflank. 

I also started a Space Marine Mech-Army (many many conversions, as always):

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A few notes on Army Design...

Okay so since I am not going to play on tournaments (for now), I want to do a fun-army. BUT I still want to use the full potential of Tyranids.
So two things that I want are:
1) Shrikes with Boneswords and Toxinsacs (wound on 4+, if wounded take a LD-test on 3D6, if fail-> instant death)

2) Hive Tyrant with a Bonesword & Lash Whip and Acid Blood (for every unsaved wound caused on the Tyrant, the attacking unit must take an initiative test-especially with small units, which are all in base contact with the Tyrant this means failing the test on 2+, for big units they can use their normal Initiative, but still 2D6 with an average initiative of lets say 6 is still pretty hard. Anyway-they have to take Leadership test and if they fail-> instant death).
I'd also like to have a Tervigon to give the Tyrant Catalyst so it survives this whole thing. I also want the Tyrant to have "Hive Commander" so the Tervigon can outflank (as long as I take at least 10 Termagants). Old Adversary would also be pretty neat, especcially if the Shrikes would be close to the Tyrant. Since the whole army deepstrikes/outflanks the Tyrant would need wings as well-all this makes him pretty expensive though and even though he is not worth it, i will play him.

3) I will take a Deathleaper, a Doom of Malantai and 2 Lictors as Elites (I know-Zoanthropes and/or Hive Guards are a Must-Have for "good" armies, but I am only playing fun games. I need the lictors/deathleaper keep my deep-striking units from scattering...)

4) I will take a Trygon Prime and Gargoyles since they are pretty good value.

5) I would love to take a few units of 4 Genestealers + 1 Broodlord to get big effects off leadership tests (aura of despair), but this all just gets too expensive.

6) at first I didnt want to go with the Tyrant, but have a Parasite of Mortrex instead, which would be in a unit with the Shrikes to make it difficult for the opponent to either have more Ripper swarms to fight or face more possibly-instant-death-wounds. I might strip some units and still play the Parasite, since I really like it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trygon Prime Cont.

Okay so here is my brand new Trygon Prime. Its not all done yet-gotta make it look more slimy and also have to do some base-decoration.


Okay I had my Venomthrope done since some time already but didn't make any pics of it. Here you go =)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trygon Prime

Okay so I just started with my Trygon Prime yesterday-it should be done on monday (I am just at painting it right now).
I also started a Pyrovore (yes, I WILL play them), have to paint that one as well. Tomorrow the first Shrike should be ready to be painted.
I have to order some wings for my Parasite of Mortrex.
I will also build a Mawloc soon, but I wont play it (just don't really like it to be honest)-will look deadly tho!
Pics will come soon!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I have got almost all parts for my army now, but the army is nowhere near done, since I won't have a single unmodified model in my whole army...
The next models to be done are:
Venomthropes, Hive Tyrant, Tyranid Shrikes, Lictor, Deathleaper, Tervigon
On the Ripper Swarms and Termagants I won't modify too much, also they'll probably be the last models I will build.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Now my Carnifex has been done since a few days already... have a look at it =D

It has 2 pairs of scything talons, bioplasma, cluster spines and adrenal glands. I will probably use it against tanks and dreadnoughts in cover. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Naming the Fleet

Since I use my own colour scheme on my Tyranids I can't (and don't want to) use the names of existing Hive Fleets.
Inspired by the Hive Fleet "Apophis", and because of my curiosity for ancient Egypt, I will probably go for a name of an ancient egyptian god.
I think Seth would be good wouldn't it?
Another idea was greek mythology, and if you look up Stymphalian Birds, you will find a very nice story and the it would suit my colour scheme as well!.
So its either Hive Fleet Seth or Hive Fleet Stymphalia.

The Army

So you know what this is all about:
I am collecting an army of Tyranids for Warhammer 40.000
Sorry for starting the blog late, I am already "in development" now, but I will provide pictures and stuff from now on.

First Entry

Now, since this is not only my very first tabletop-army, but also my first blog I am not entirely sure if i can get everything right. Anyway I will do my best =)