Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Sorry for not posting in a while. College was busy and I was taking a break from Tyranids.
At the moment I am just finishing my 1000 points Space marines-after that it really depends on how much money I have: I either finish my Tyranids or go for Grey Knights, since I really really like them.

Anyway- after my Space Marines are done I will build and paint 3 Zoanthropes and continue on A TERVIGON! After that, and the Tyranid Prime, it's only about painting them. 2000 points are ready to go:

HQ: Tyranid Prime with Toxin Sacs, Bonesword/Lash whip, Regeneration
HQ: Tyranid Prime with Deathspitter, Toxin Sacs and Bonesword/Lash whip

Troops: 18 Termagants with Devourers
Troops: Tervigon with Catalyst
Troops: 8 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs
Troops: 8 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs
Elite: 3 Zoanthropes
Elite: 3 Venomthropes
Elite: Deathleaper
Heavy Support: Carnifex with Bioplasma, Frag Spines, Regeneration and Adrenal Glands
Heavy Support. Trygon Prime
? Fast Attack: 6 Spore Mines
? Fast Attack: 6 Spore Mines
? Fast Attack: 6 Spore Mines
? Troops: 4 Warriors (2xscything Talons)